Checking-In One Month Into Your New Year’s Resolutions

New Year Resolutions

Now that we are in the second month of the New Year many of us are one of two things: 

1. You have stayed consistent, you may have a groove going and are comfortable, or you may be keeping up with your resolutions, but it is an intense struggle. 

Or 2. It started out strong and now we have either plateaued or regressed, which may or may not be causing some negative feelings within yourself, such as feelings of failing. 

Many of these New Year’s Resolutions may not be as attainable or are too broad. The most popular resolutions include “getting into shape”, “losing __ lbs”, going cold-turkey on something you love, etc. Even things that sound positive and great, but are just not realistic, financially able to, or time-wise possible at the moment, such as increased traveling, winning back your ex, getting that dream position or “thing” that you’ve been wanting.

This stress-inducing practice are fueled by focusing on the WRONGS and “failing” at these resolutions can cause some major self-esteem or self-worth issues.

What can be done instead?

  1. Focus on the things that are positive and going well for you in life

  2. Give yourself a pat on the back for your accomplishments thus so far

  3. Don’t ever give into comparing yourself to others, you can focus on constantly being a better version of yourself

  4. Small wins are GREAT wins, you don’t have to start your own company, look like a supermodel, or waking up to a pretty hefty bonus so you could go on that trip you’ve been wanting to go on. But baby step into the things you want to realistically accomplish.

  5. Expect to slip up. We are only human after all and we are meant to slip up and make mistakes, and that’s perfectly okay. We live and we learn and we keep on striving.


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