How to Survive Holiday Triggers

How to Survive Holiday Triggers

Friends, family, togetherness, food, and traditions. 

It’s here the heavily anticipated end of the year holiday season and the festivities have arrived! For some people, a social gathering is the highlight of their day, and for others, it’s utterly draining and sometimes the source of stress and anxiety. 

How do you maintain your mental health during these social interactions?

  1. Identify your triggers. If you haven’t figured out what your triggers are, a therapist can help! Once you identify those triggers, acknowledge them and employ boundaries to protect your mental health. 

  2. Stick with a buddy. Invite a friend along, or open up to a family member about your hesitations. Whether it’s drinking, overeating, too much commotion, the sound of Christmas and then fireworks on New Years, etc., your buddy can help you make a plan to stay calm and to not become overwhelmed.

  3. Set boundaries. If it means leaving a party early, stepping outside to get away from the commotion, or taking an extra long bathroom break to calm and recollect yourself, do it! Be kind to yourself.

  4. Celebrate! Celebrate the occasion, celebrate your victories and celebrate overcoming your challenges.


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