Is Your Life Determined By Your Wounded Inner Child?

Is Your Life Determined By Your Wounded Inner Child?

Our inner child is the part of our childhood that never really left us, it is the younger part of ourselves that ultimately has a major impact on how we see the world and how we go through our lives. There are events and memorable things that happen to us throughout our lives that we just cannot seem to forget, parents divorcing for example, can leave a major wound in a child that never seems to heal. This child then grows up into an adult (possibly fearing relationships and abandonment) and a wounded inner child may manifest as having “over the top” emotional reactions to the “little things” or unhealthy coping mechanisms at the first signs of relationship stress. Those of us who have a wounded inner child often find ourselves struggling with regard to family, career, and other commitments. Many people combating their inner child experience relationship difficulties, but they are ignorant of the causes. The uncertainty of why situations and feelings are being handled the way that are can create further self-sabotaging behaviors and low self-esteem.

And the cycle continues.

Take a moment to reflect. How much of your life is being determined by your inner child?

Therapy can be a helpful tool: Reach out if you would like to get to know your inner child better and to discover ways to heal your inner child.


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